Does a facetime international call cost money?

The cost of using Facetime to Call Internationally is completely free. If the other end has an iphone 4 or any device that has Facetime, it will work. FYI, a Facetime call over cellular is using data, not the cellular connection, and it is not an international call.

I’ve tried Face. Time in same country, no charge, not tried internationally . The cost of using Facetime to Call Internationally is completely free. If the other end has an iphone 4 or any device that has Facetime, it will work .

I have been using Face. Time for years to call my kids internationally and recently was hit with a whopping $300 charge on my Sprint Bill. They were completely unhelpful. On the phone for 2 hours and 4 representatives, but nothing. I think I have figured it out.

, i, phone’s face Time feature is free if both parties are using a free Wi-Fi signal. If no Wi-Fi signal is being used, parties may incur a data charge, depending on the phone plan they have through their wireless carrier.

How do I make international FaceTime calls?

To make international Facetime calls you need the full international phone number which is; For instance, to call US from another country you need to add country code 1, to call Brazil you need 55. Facetime calls are 100% free, no matter what location or country you are, AS LONG AS BOTH devices are using facetime AND WI-FI.

Is FaceTime free to use in the UK?

However, activating Facetime sends text message to Apple servers in the UK. If you are on a carrier that supports the i. Phone this text is free, but if your carrier does not you will pay an international SMS charge for it. No charge for face time u only need to have wifi connection and the people u doing face time with need to have a apple device .

Facetime only works with Wi. Fi, so the general answer is no, unless you pay for Wi, and fi. However, activating Facetime sends text message to Apple servers in the UK. If you are on a carrier that supports the i. Phone this text is free, but if your carrier does not you will pay an international SMS charge for it.