, yes face Time is possible between i. Phone 4, i. Phone 4S, i. Pad 2 (i. Pad 1 does not have a front facing camera so no dice) and Mac.
Go to i. Pad’s Settings > Face. Time > click Use your Apple ID for Face. Time and put the new Apple ID in. D) Check the settings, other than the new Apple ID, it should be the same as i, and phone above. After you got all that, create a contact in i. Phone’s Contacts app with the details of i. Pad2 owner (your daughter).
Can I use FaceTime on any device on Wi-Fi?
You can use Face. Time on any of these devices on Wi-Fi: i. Phone 4 or later, i. Pad Pro (all models), i. Pad 2 or later, i. Pad mini (all models), and i. Pod touch 4th generation or later (only i. Pod touch 5th generation or later support Face. Time audio calling).
Can You FaceTime someone with an Apple ID?
Any Apple computer, i. Phone or i. Pad with a wifi connection can make or receive Face. Time calls from other Apple device users. But the person you’re calling must also be using an Apple device with a Face. Time account enabled on it (requires an Apple. ID to login and create the account). How do I log in with my Apple ID?
A common inquiry we ran across in our research was “Can you make FaceTime calls on the same Apple ID?”.
But luckily, Apple has provided a rather easy workaround for placing Face. Time calls on the same Apple ID. To place a Face. Time call between two of your Apple devices, you will simply need to add a new email address to one of the devices. This will allow Face. Time to differentiate between the two and place a call to a specific device.
How to use FaceTime without Wi-Fi on iPhone?
With a cellular data plan, you can also use Face. Time without Wi-Fi on any of these devices: i. Phone 4s or later, i. Pad Pro (all models), and i. Pad (3rd generation or later). When you tap a person’s contact information, Face. Time tries to connect using any Face. Time-enabled numbers or addresses that you have stored for that person.
Open the Face. Time app and sign in with your Apple ID. You can also do this from Settings > Face, and time. If you’re using an i, phone, face Time automatically registers your phone number.