You can use Facetime internationally because Apple added the international call option with the release of i, and os 7. Making international calls on Facetime was not possible in the previous versions. However, currently all you need is an active mobile data plan or connect your i. Phone or i. Pad to a working Wi-Fi network.
Can I facetime internationally for free?
, face Time is a built-in i. OS and mac. OS app that runs on Apple devices. With the release of i. OS 7, Face. Time added the option for users to make free voice calls internationally over Wi-Fi or mobile data plans. This was not possible in previous versions, which allowed only video calls.
My favorite answer was There is no difference using Face. Time internationally or locally. You can easily make Face. Time call with someone else, who lives in an another country. Just be careful, and start the Face. Time call clicking the Face. Time video our audio call. This way you don’t need to pay international phone charges.
Does FaceTime cost money to use in the same country?
I’ve tried Face. Time in same country, no charge, not tried internationally . The cost of using Facetime to Call Internationally is completely free. If the other end has an iphone 4 or any device that has Facetime, it will work.
How to make a FaceTime call from another country?
For instance, to call US from another country you need to add country code 1, to call Brazil you need 55. Facetime calls are 100% free, no matter what location or country you are, AS LONG AS BOTH devices are using facetime AND WI-FI. So both devices have to be on wifi? Not just the device that is making the facetime call?
How do I make international FaceTime calls?
To make international Facetime calls you need the full international phone number which is; For instance, to call US from another country you need to add country code 1, to call Brazil you need 55. Facetime calls are 100% free, no matter what location or country you are, AS LONG AS BOTH devices are using facetime AND WI-FI.
Is FaceTime free for international calls on iPhone?
, i, phone’s face Time feature is free if both parties are using a free Wi-Fi signal. If no Wi-Fi signal is being used, parties may incur a data charge, depending on the phone plan they have through their wireless carrier.
The call is routed through Apple when done via cellular. While I agree it isn’t free, since you have to pay for your cellular data, it is not like an international phone call. As long as they have facetime and you have it I don’t see why not. As long as you start directly in facetime and not phone first., face Time requires Wi. Fi to make the call.
Is it possible to make free FaceTime calls?
In response to leicaman. Although Facetime calls are possible using your carrier (and the devices are 4s or 5), they are NOT free (international calls are very expensive over carrier networks). If you want a clean and FREE facetime call, no matter where you are, use wifi.