Will youtube return the dislike button?

On Nov 10, 2021, You. Tube announced that the dislike count will no longer be public. In other words, you won’t be able to see the dislike count on any video. However, the dislike button will remain and you’ll still be able to dislike videos.

You should be wondering “Should YouTube remove the’dislike’button from all videos?”

Remove the ‘dislike’ button from You, and tube., on you Tube, the dislike button was made for constructive critism, but it’s never used well anymore. People think it’s funny to dislike videos, and they share their opinions in selfish ways., therefore, you Tube should remove the dislike button from all videos.

, you Tube CEO Susan Wojcicki defended the decision to remove its “dislike” button from posts on this week, arguing the move has helped to reduce bullying on the video sharing platform.

One common answer is, “But because the count was not visible to them, we found that they were less likely to target a video’s dislike button to drive up the count.

What is the “return YouTube dislike” browser extension?

[Dmitrii Selivanov] has put together the “Return You. Tube Dislike” browser extension, which does a couple of things. First, it is pulling archived data about videos, taking advantage of the gap in time between the official announcement, and the removal of the dislike API. But for new videos? That’s where things are harder.

Why is YouTube hiding the dislike counter on videos?

Case in point, You, and tube. Citing “dislike attacks”, which are coordinated down-voting of particular videos, You. Tube opted to hide the dislike counter on all videos. It could be pointed out that dislikes still impact the recommendation algorithm the same way they always have, and that creators still see their dislike counts on their own dashboard.

When I was writing we ran into the question “Can YouTube track your likes and dislikes for new videos?”.

That’s where things are harder. If you install the extension, your video likes and dislikes are tracked, and the combined user data is used to extrapolate an estimated dislike count on any given video.

You should be wondering “Why do some YouTube videos get more dislikes than likes?”

And if a video receives a disproportionately large amount of dislikes in comparison with the number of likes, this can be a sign to the You. Tube moderators that a video may not be upholding You. Tube’s community standards, in which case it may be removed.

Why do people hate Rewind videos on YouTube?

There might be something to the idea that You. Tube doesn’t like the notoriety of their Rewind videos leading the dislike count, with 2018 at nearly 20 million. There may even be validity in the theory that corporate partners don’t like visible dislike numbers on their videos., regardless, you Tube made the change, and people hate it.