, you Tube has announced that it is hiding the dislikes count on the video-sharing platform, claiming that the decision was made after internal research over its impact on the mental health of creators and to tackle coordinated dislike campaigns., you Tube is not the first platform to explore this aspect of online social behavior.
, you Tube removed the dislike count in order to promote respectful interactions between viewers and creators., google-owned you Tube last month removed the dislike count on videos from being public.
The new browser extension simply titled “ Return You. Tube Dislike” makes it possible for users on Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and even i. OS to restore the You. Tube dislike count. The extension has attracted thousands of positive reviews from users since its release.
Can you still dislike a video on YouTube?
Users will still be able to dislike videos, they just won’t see a number next to the icon. As Google pointed out on the You. Tube Community forum, creators can also still see how many dislikes they receive.
What does dislike a video mean?
“Dislike” is a word that has a negative connotation “Users might dislike a video created by a creator if they don’t like it. Creators will be able to track their dislikes, as well as other metrics regarding their video’s performance, on You. Tube Studio if they desire.
Does Youtube tell who liked/disliked your comment?
No, it does not. When you comment on a video and another viewer likes/ dislikes the comment, the respective count for the like or dislike buttons will change but the identity of that viewer will not be disclosed to you or even the channel owner.
Can you see how many likes and dislikes a video has?
While none of the options Leung details may ever become permanent, You. Tube is thinking about experimentation. Currently, like and dislike ratings are shown by default—anyone can see the number of likes and dislikes a video has by checking out the numbers next to the thumbs-up and thumbs-down icons beneath the video player.
What happened to the dislike button on YouTube videos?
Back when Google took over, they effectively scrapped the dislike button. I know some changes were made, like it still boosting the “interaction” with the video, but other than that very little else happened.
A query we ran across in our research was “What is YouTube’s new’dislike’button?”.
New Delhi: You. Tube, which is owned by Google, has announced that it will make “dislike” buttons available “You can rely on video being kept private across the platform. You. Tube has stated that, while dislike numbers will be made private, the dislike button will not be removed.
“But because the count was not visible to them, we found that they were less likely to target a video’s dislike button to drive up the count.