Sometimes your You. Tube comments disappear because of the junk files on your system (e. g. the unnecessary system files or browsing history). Removing these can be helpful for you to fix this issue. You may want to do this manually, finding the right settings on your computer yourself to clear the junk file.
A frequent question we ran across in our research was “Where are the comments on YouTube videos now?”.
Instead, they’ve been relocated to a new section that users can only view after clicking a button. The new Comments button is found between the Thumbs Down and Share buttons, right below the video.
, essentially, you Tube deletes comments in order to protect the safety of the You. Tube community and also to abide by various laws. The goal is not to silence your speech but rather create a community safe for all users to engage in. Summary If your comment is not appearing on a video, it may be temporarily being held for review.
Why are comments on my YouTube videos being deleted?
In many cases the comments are being deleted within seconds after being posted and on multiple channels across the board so this is NOT channel owners selectively deleting comments. This is google filtering out comments among users who are being flagged.
So most likely your comments are ending up in the uploader’s “likely spam” bucket or “held for review” bucket in their “comments” tab in You, and tube studio. Unfortunately, many people don’t tend to admin their comments tab and likely spam buckets.
In most cases, comments that it thinks may be spam will get hidden and end up in the uploader’s “Comments” tab in You. Tube Studio under “likely spam”. They stay there until the uploader reviews them and either deletes them or approves them. If approved they reappear on the video.
Does Youtube’s “dislikes on comments” work?
It’s working —the rate of dislikes on comments has dropped by more than 35 percent across You, and tube. [ 1] Would show that less people are using it because they see no affect, and therefore have no motive to use it.
It’s unclear if this change will reduce or increase user engagement with comments, or if engagement will remain flat — something that You. Tube likely wants to find out, too. On the one hand, comments are hidden unless the user manually taps on the button to reveal them — users won’t happen upon them by scrolling down.
Why is there a down-vote button on the comment section?
The down-vote or “thumbs down” button is a remnant of the days before Youtubes comment section was linked to Google+.
How do I edit or delete a comment on a video?
Click or tap the video link. Next to the comment in You. Tube, select More. Was this helpful? How can we improve it?