Can a youtube channel block your comments?

Block a commenter To hide comments from a specific viewer: Find a comment they’ve left on your channel or video. Next to the comment, select More Hide user from channel. Block a commenter in You. Tube Studio You can also block a channel in You. Tube Studio: Find the commenter’s channel URL from their channel homepage.

Does youtube block comments?

, thankfully, you Tube has now made it easier for creators to automatically block those types of comments … When a creator turns on this new link blocking tool, every comment that includes any type of link will automatically get sent to the user’s “Held for Review” section.

How do I block comments on my YouTube videos?

To hide comments from a specific viewer: Find a comment they’ve left on your channel or video. Next to the comment, select More Hide user from channel. You can also block a channel in You. Tube Studio: Find the commenter’s channel URL from their channel homepage.

To stop a channel from commenting on your videos, head over to the You. Tube site in a web browser on your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer. On the site, click the search box at the top. Type the channel name that you want to block and press Enter. In the search results, select the channel that you want to block .

How to block a channel on YouTube?

You can also block a channel in You. Tube Studio: 1 Find the commenter’s channel URL from their channel homepage. 3 From the left menu, select Settings Community. 4 In the “Hidden users” box, paste the channel URL.

, in you Tube Studio, you can set a list of words that are blocked from your live stream chats. Can you delete someone else’s comments on your own video? Yes, it is possible to remove someone else’s comment on your own video. You can do this if it is an inappropriate comment.

What happens when you block someone on YouTube?

When you block someone on You. Tube, you stop that user from commenting on your videos but won’t prevent the user from viewing your videos. Posting videos on your You. Tube channel means opening your work up to the general public, and that can lead to unwanted comments from some users.

You should be thinking “Does Youtube send a notification when you unblock someone?”

, you Tube does not send a notification if you block someone. What happens when you unblock someone? Any future comments from the channel will show on your videos and in You, and tube studio. Previous comments from that channel on your videos will still be hidden.

Why are YouTube comments so bad?

What’s even worse are the spam comments that try and get people to click links to malicious websites. , thankfully, you Tube has now made it easier for creators to automatically block those types of comments….