Ubuntu was the first Linux distribution for WSL and remains the most popular choice of WSL users. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS for WSL was released simultaneously with the general availability of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS in April.
How to install Ubuntu on Windows 10 WSL?
Installing and Configuring Ubuntu on Windows 10 WSL: Once your computer starts, open Microsoft Store from the Start menu as shown in the screenshot below. Now, search for ubuntu. As you can see in the screenshot below, you can install Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or Ubuntu 18.04 LTS at the time of this writing.
A frequent inquiry we ran across in our research was “Is Ubuntu WSL certified?”.
One way to think about this is Ubuntu is certified on WSL through close collaboration with Microsoft. Enterprise support is provided for Ubuntu from Azure to Windows workstations creating a seamless operating environment.
What is OpenWindows subsystem for Linux (WSL)?
Windows Subsystem for Linux or WSL is a functionality developed by Microsoft to use basic Linux functionalities natively on its Windows 10 operating system and Windows 10 Server.
What is the best GUI for Ubuntu?
GNOME is the default GUI for most Ubuntu installations and is (loosely) based on the Apple ecosystem. KDE is another popular GUI, (loosely) based on the Microsoft ecosystem.
Once you have selected the GUI you wish to install on Ubuntu, execute the following taskel command. As an example, we will install the default Ubuntu desktop environment, which is GNOME. But you may change this command to match your own selection. After installation, reboot your system. At this point, the GUI should start.
By default, Ubuntu Server does not include a Graphical User Interface (GUI). A GUI takes up system resources (memory and processor) that are used for server-oriented tasks.
It can be easily installed. By default, Ubuntu Server does not include a Graphical User Interface (GUI). A GUI takes up system resources (memory and processor) that are used for server-oriented tasks. However, certain tasks and applications are more manageable and work better in a GUI environment.
Is it possible to install a GUI on a desktop?
Installing a GUI for a desktop is possible but not needed in most scenarios. If you are not too comfortable with the command line, use a server distribution like Yuno. Host that is built on top of Debian to give you a server that can be managed via GUI.