The short, short, short answer is: Yes. You can use Ubuntu Desktop as a server. And yes, you can install LAMP in your Ubuntu Desktop environment. It will dutifully hand out web pages to anyone who.
Accordingly, Ubuntu Server can run as an email server, file server, web server, and samba server. Specific packages include Bind9 and Apache2. Whereas Ubuntu desktop applications are focused for use on the host machine, Ubuntu Server packages concentrate on allowing connectivity with clients as well as security.
When we were reading we ran into the query “How do I Make my Ubuntu desktop become a server?”.
Some articles claimed as everyone stated, you just need to apt-get the correct packages to make your Ubuntu Desktop ” become” an Ubuntu Server. However, there are differences in the installation process when you opt for the Server edition. For instance it allows you to install Ubuntu on a LVM volume, which the Desktop CD doesn’t support .
Does ubuntu make a headless server variant?
While Ubuntu Desktop includes a graphical user interface, Ubuntu Server does not. This is because most servers run headless.
One more query we ran across in our research was “Is it possible to install Ubuntu on a headless machine?”.
I have many times just installed Ubuntu on other machines and then just moved the hard drive onto the headless machine. Just make sure not to install any proprietary drivers (video card, wireless mainly) and make sure to install open ssh-server.
A headless Minecraft server is a server that when finished does not have a Monitor attached to it. You control it using external means like: a SSH (secure shell host) connection for install programs etc, A FTP (File transfer protocol) connection for transferring files and finally we will be using a website to control the actual minecraft server.
Why should you use Ubuntu desktop?
You should use Ubuntu Desktop if you’re using your computer as a daily driver. This includes a bevy of multimedia and productivity software. There’s a GUI and installation is pretty simple. You can install server software to use a Ubuntu Desktop as a server.