Can I use ubuntu desktop as a server?

The short, short, short answer is: Yes. You can use Ubuntu Desktop as a server. And yes, you can install LAMP in your Ubuntu Desktop environment.

Accordingly, Ubuntu Server can run as an email server, file server, web server, and samba server. Specific packages include Bind9 and Apache2. Whereas Ubuntu desktop applications are focused for use on the host machine, Ubuntu Server packages concentrate on allowing connectivity with clients as well as security.

There are many GUI desktops available for Ubuntu Server. Most can be installed using the apt-get package manager or the tasksel tool, as detailed in this guide. If you’ve worked extensively with conventional operating systems, it can be challenging to have to work in a command-line interface .

How do I Make my Ubuntu desktop become a server?

As everyone stated, you just need to apt-get the correct packages to make your Ubuntu Desktop “become” an Ubuntu Server. However, there are differences in the installation process when you opt for the Server edition. For instance it allows you to install Ubuntu on a LVM volume, which the Desktop CD doesn’t support.

One article argued that be sure to give the Ubuntu Server a sensible name so you can easily find it on the network.

How do I setup Ubuntu Server?

Your name — Enter your name here. Your server’s name — Add a nickname for your server. Pick a username — Enter the username you’d like to use. Choose a password — Create a strong password for your server. Confirm your password — Repeat your password.

What is the difference between Ubuntu desktop and Ubuntu Server?

Whereas Ubuntu Desktop requires: 2 GB RAM10 GB of hard drive space2 GHz single-core processor.

Some server hardware decisions you will need to make include the following: Form Factor: For small businesses, the best choice is a dedicated entry-level server in a tower configuration. Processor : Choose a server-specific processor to boost performance and data throughput. Memory: Buy as much memory as you can afford and look for expansion slots for future upgrades. Storage: Look for SATA or SCSI hard disks, not IDE.

Why should you use Ubuntu desktop?

You should use Ubuntu Desktop if you’re using your computer as a daily driver. This includes a bevy of multimedia and productivity software. There’s a GUI and installation is pretty simple. You can install server software to use a Ubuntu Desktop as a server.