Can smartsheet have tabs?

Unfortunately, it’s not possible at the moment to have tabs in Smartsheet, but you can have them in the browser window instead and use multiple browser windows.

Smartsheet does not allow multiple tabs per sheet like Excel and Google Sheets do. Though they are a spreadsheet their system has a lot more stuff happening on the backend.

Do I need multiple tabs for Smartsheet?

Once the sheets are imported to your account, you can use cell linking to link cells between sheets. Yes, multiple tabs for Smartsheets are essential – even if it is limited to 5-10 tabs . It is the one most annoying feature about Smartsheet that always makes me want to use Excel.

How many tabs can I See on Smartsheet?

Take a quick look at Smartsheet on your computer. How many tabs are visible? Most of our customers can see fewer than 10 tabs at the same time on their desktop, with their other recently viewed items located in the overflow menu (the “ ” tab). As the number of items in that overflow menu grows, it can be a challenge to quickly access your work.

While writing we ran into the query “What are the benefits of switching from Smartsheet to the browser?”.

One article argued that even if you prefer to use a single browser tab, the shift from Smartsheet tabs will benefit you. We’re freeing up more vertical space on the screen for your work. And you’ll now be able to use the browser’s forward and back buttons when navigating in Smartsheet.

How do I create a new sheet in Smartsheet?

Look at the very bottom of your Excel workbook to see if you have multiple tabs . Import the workbook into Smartsheet once to create a new sheet, as described above. Go back to the Excel file and move a different tab into the left-most position by clicking on it and dragging it to the left.

How do I import data from Excel to Smartsheet?

Save the Excel file, and import it to Smartsheet again. This will create a new sheet based on the information in the tab you just moved into the left-most position.

What does it mean to import a file in Smartsheet?

Importing a file converts it into a format that will work in Smartsheet. If importing a file that uses functionality not provided in Smartsheet (such as merged cells, multiple tabs or cell borders ), this functionality won’t be included in the sheet.

What are capabilities that are not available in Smartsheet?

Capabilities that are not available in Smartsheet. These won’t be included in the imported sheet—for example, merged cells, multiple sheets in a workbook, or cell borders. Drop-down lists for data validation will need to be re-created in Smartsheet.

How can I jump between my Smartsheet items?

And those of you who like keyboard shortcuts will have the option to use them for jumping between your Smartsheet items. Even if you prefer to use a single browser tab, the shift from Smartsheet tabs will benefit you. We’re freeing up more vertical space on the screen for your work.