Does smartsheet automatically save?

Yes, there is. Auto-save after 3 minute of inactivity: Select this option to have Smartsheet automatically save any edits on an item that you have open as long as you haven’t clicked or typed anywhere within the Smartsheet window for 3 minutes.

Does smartsheet save automatically?

While Smartsheet does have an autosave feature, there is not an auto refresh. You could use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + R (CMD + R if you are on a Mac) or right click on the sheet’s title tab and select Refresh.

How do I save a sheet in Smartsheet?

The shortcut key for saving is Ctrl+S (Windows) or Cmd+S (Mac) To configure auto-save options, click Account > Personal Settings > Settings. To save a sheet outside of Smartsheet, export it to a format of your choice.

How do I backup my Smartsheet data?

Smartsheet operates 100% in the cloud: the sheets you create are stored on Smartsheet servers. If you want to have backup copy of your data, you can do either of the following: Request a one-time or recurring backup. Read on to learn more about requesting backups. Manually export one or more sheets or reports.

In the Smartsheet app, you can export any sheet or report to the following formats: After exporting a sheet or report, your browser will save it on your computer. It’ll store the file you exported in a folder based on your browser settings. Not everything is included with your export.

One of the next things we wondered was, can I export a report from Smartsheet?

(You can export a report to save a copy of it. For information about exporting, see the article on Exporting Sheets & Reports from Smartsheet .) Not all formatting will be preserved in the Excel file. So you may need to reapply formatting such as word wrap (the Wrap Text command in Excel) .

How do I set up auto-save for my sheet?

To configure auto-save options, click Account > Personal Settings > Settings. When there are unsaved changes in the sheet, the Save button will be blue. Clicking the button when it’s blue will turn it grey. When the button becomes grey, you’ll know that all that changes you’ve made to the sheet have been saved.