Does youtube delete comments?

All comments on You. Tube are public and anyone can reply to a comment that you post. If you can’t find a comment after you get a notification, it’s possible that the comment has already been removed . Comments can be removed by the person who posted them, the channel owner, or for policy violations.

Find the comment or reply you want to delete > click on three-dot menu > and select the delete option. That’s it, your comment and also the replies to that comment will be deleted. But there is no option bulk delete your You, and tube comments. If you want to delete all the comments, you have to hide your channel temporarily.

In most cases, comments that it thinks may be spam will get hidden and end up in the uploader’s “Comments” tab in You. Tube Studio under “likely spam”. They stay there until the uploader reviews them and either deletes them or approves them. If approved they reappear on the video.

How do I delete comments made by other people on YouTube?

You cannot delete comments made by other people on a video that is not on your channel, however, you may report any inappropriate comments on any channel if they are spam or abuse which will immediately remove the comment from your view.

If you’re a creator, you can also use the comment moderation tools to manage comments on your videos. You can view public comments you’ve left across You, and tube. To go to the original place you posted your comment, click or tap the content.

Also, how do I edit or delete a comment on a video?

Here is what we discovered. click or tap the video link. Next to the comment in You. Tube, select More. Was this helpful? How can we improve it?

How do I find a deleted comment on a YouTube video?

To go to the original place you posted your comment, click or tap the content. If you commented on a video that’s been deleted, or if your comment was removed by You. Tube for a policy violation, it won’t appear in this history. You can click or tap a comment’s timestamp to create a highlighted comment link.

Why is my comment not showing up in YouTube comment history?

If you commented on a deleted video, or if You. Tube removed your comment for a policy violation, it won’t appear in this history. You can click or tap a comment’s timestamp to create a highlighted comment link. This action will give you a shareable link in the address bar for that specific comment and its thread.

Is there a way to block someone from comments on YouTube?

Go to your channel’s dashboard and click “Settings” on the sidebar to the left. From there click “Community” and copy + paste the URL of the channel you want blocked in the “Hidden users” box. When a user is blocked, that means they can’t post comments on any of your videos, and if they attempt, the comment will not show up.