How to youtube comments?

You might want to: Delete comments that you think are no longer relevant in light of recent developments. Delete comments that you deem offensive, rude, or disrespectful toward other users. Edit typos on comments that you wrote down in a hurry or on a phone. Edit a comment to include new, more relevant information., and more items.

How do I Make my comments public on YouTube?

How to Comment on You. Tube Videos on Computers?

Sign into your You, and tube acccount. You will find ‘History’ in the left hand side of the screen under ‘Library’.. Once you click on History, a screen appears to your right.

How do I download YouTube videos using Python?

Using pytube module of python. Unlike some other famous libraries, pytube doesn’t have any third-party dependencies. Pytube is a light-weight python library with a rich set of features for downloading You. Tube videos developed by Nick Ficano. This open source project is very easy to use but has a lot of bugs (still a work in progress).

Let’s start creating a simple Python program that does this specific search and returns the HTML from Youtube. The main package used in Python to work with URLs is urllib and it includes several modules. The one we are interested in is urllib. Request that can be used to open and read URLs.

Does youtube use python?

Pytube library in the Python programming language makes downloading the video from You Tube very easy, and it does not depend on any other Python library, so there is no need to install any additional libraries. Pytube is available in most of the Python versions (2.7 and higher).

, you Tube uses Python as it’s easy to implement new ideas and respond quickly. Python’s biggest strengths are flexibility, rapid development, scalability and excellent performance. These are the reasons why Python is being so actively used at Google. Python is widely used on different environments.

Why is Python used in YouTube?

It was never the bottleneck and the speed problem they did have were easily solved by throwing in several more servers. The speed of development in Python on the other hand, helped them respond quickly to the changes and implement new ideas almost on the spot.