Depending on your phone, here are some places that you can find the Android version: On the resulting screen, look for “Android version” to find the version of Android installed on your device, like this: It just displays the version number, not the code name — for example, it says “Android 6.0” instead of “Android 6.0 Marshmallow”.
, this wiki How teaches you how to learn what brand and model of Android phone you have by using the Settings app or, if you have a phone with a removable battery, by inspecting the manufacturer’s sticker. Examine your phone’s housing. The brand of your phone should appear on the face or back of your phone. Scroll down and tap About phone.
Why is it important to know the version of Android?
It’s often helpful to know which version of Android a specific phone or tablet is running so you can get help with something or determine whether a feature is present. The version of Android itself isn’t the only bit of information you might want to find.
The biggest strength of Google’s Android OS is its flexibility. Android lets manufacturers build useful tablets at prices ranging from $50 to $1,000, fitting a broader range of niches and tastes than the Apple i. Pad, which has dominated the tablet market since it first came out.
What’s the best Android tablet for You?
Finding the best Android tablet for your needs can be a tricky proposition, but the good news is that there’s a whole world of options outside of the Amazon Fire tablets (even though some retailers push them pretty hard). For example, Samsung leads the market with offerings that run pure Android and don’t lack any apps.
Android tablets are still good for watching video, browsing the web, reading, checking email, and playing games, and some people even manage to get work done on one. Tablets are also great first devices for kids (though we prefer the i. Pad or the Kindle Fire to regular Android tablets for this purpose). What are the benefits of an Android tablet?
We’ve looked at the reasons that Android tablets really aren’t worth buying. The market is mostly stagnant, with old devices and outdated versions of Android dominating it. The best modern Android tablet is way more expensive than an i. Pad, which makes it a waste for casual users.