Which android sdk version to use?

Android SDK Platform-tools r19 or higher is required. Android SDK Tools 22.3 or higher is recommended. For details about the platform changes, see the Jelly Bean overview and Android 4.3 API changes., and maintenance update. The system version is 4.3. Android SDK Platform-tools r18 or higher is required.

What version of Android SDK should I use for my project?

For personal projects, we usually choose Lollipop, or SDK 21, as it brings a number of improvements to the table, such as improved build times. Show activity on this post. [2020 UPDATE] You need to base on Android Pie Chart. It is always updated. Show activity on this post.

Initial release for Android 5.1 (API level 22). For more information, see the Android 5.1 API Overview. Android SDK Platform-tools r22 or higher is required. Android SDK Tools 23.0.5 or higher is required. For details about the platform changes, see the Lollipop overview and Android 5.0 API changes.

Which version of android should I target?

If possible, you should support the oldest Android version still in widespread use. That would be 1.5. If you need features from later versions, you might consider requiring newer versions, but if you can do your work on the oldest version still available, you should to increase the number of people who are able to use your app.

, and initial release. The system version is 4.3. Android SDK Platform-tools r18 or higher is required. Android SDK Tools 22.0.4 or higher is recommended. For details about the platform changes, see the Jelly Bean overview and Android 4.2 API changes.

When I was researching we ran into the question “How do I Find my Android SDK version?”.

My best answer is navigate to “Appearance & Behavior” > “System Settings” > “Android SDK” and now you can see the SDK versions that were installed in the “API Level ” and “Name” columns (focus on “API Level”). Many developers prefer to use the command line than GUI (graphic user interface).

What is included in each SDK platform version?

Each SDK Platform version includes the following packages: The Android SDK Platform package. This is required to compile your app for that version. At least one of these is required to run that version on the Android Emulator .

What API level do I need for my Android app?

From there you can click on an API level to get specific information about that API level . Based on the information presented there, you need to use API level 18 or lower in order for about 75% of the current Android Market to be able to use you application. Perhaps this is the type of information you are looking for.

How many devices does your Android app need to support?

This is a direct quote from the Android Docs: Generally, it’s a good practice to support about 90% of the active devices, while targeting your app to the latest version. In a practical sense, this is impossible unless you had an unlimited budget.