The best place to start is to make sure that your current Android SIM card will work in your new i, and phone. If your Android device uses the nano-SIM, the latest form of SIM card, then it will work in the i. Phone 5 and later models. If it uses micro-SIM, you will only be able to use an i. Phone 4 and i, and phone 4s.
My favorite answer is If your Android device uses the nano-SIM, the latest form of SIM card, then it will work in the i. Phone 5 and later models. If it uses micro-SIM, you will only be able to use an i. Phone 4 and i, and phone 4s. If it uses the old-fashioned mini-SIM (or “full-size” SIM), you’ll only be able to use an i. Phone 3GS or earlier.
Another frequently asked question is “Will My sim card work in an iPhone or Android phone?”.
Your SIM card can work in any phone, android or i. Phone, provided the size is right and not network locked. There is no such thing as an iphone or Android sim card. Just a Sim card.
Can I swap a SIM card for an Android phone?
The SIM only has your carrier data on it, nothing else. If you should happen to get an Android that uses a different size SIM, you wouldn’t be able to swap it. Q: Can iphone 6 sim card be used in an Android Moto X?
Can I use my iPhone without the SIM card?
Once activated, you’ll be able to use your i. Phone on a Wi-Fi network, just as if it was an i. Pad or an i, and pod touch. You may have seen reports suggesting that you can activate an i. Phone without a SIM card by calling the emergency services.
Do you need a certain SIM card for the iPhone?
You must put a sim card in your i. Phone to activate him but you don’t must to keep him inside after the activate. If the i. Phoneie is sum free so you can use with any Sim card. If it doesn’t you must to use with that Carrier sim card as when you buy it.
Well, here goes the answer: SURE, it will charge without a SIM card, exactly the same way ANY phone charges without a SIM card. Guess what: You can even charge the phone (phone’s battery, of course) if the phone is completely turned off. Exactly as any other smartphone.
How do I put a SIM card in my Android phone?
Insert your SIM Card into your Android Phone Most Android phones have the SIM card located under the back plate next to the battery. Newer phones such as the Google Nexus 4 and HTC One X+ have SIM card trays like the i, and phone 5. Some Android phones require a regular size SIM card and others require a micro-SIM card.