Can you put a sim card from android to iphone?

To put an android sim card in an iphone, kindly remove your sim card from your android phone and insert the sim card into the i, and phone. As long as the sim card is compatible with your i. Phone it will display network coverage which indicates the sim card is working.

Yes you can put an android sim card in an iphone as long as the android phone and the i. Phone are of same network carrier (if they are locked) or probably unlocked. First, I want you to know that there’s nothing like android sim or i. Phone sim card .

Here are the things you can try if you want to move SIM card from Android to i. Phone : Use a SIM cutter to make it Nano size. Go to your SIM retailer and ask them to provide you a Nano-SIM. Latest SIM cards have little gaps in them. If you push them, they can become Micro and Nano SIMS . You can try that method too.

Your SIM card can work in any phone, android or i. Phone, provided the size is right and not network locked. There is no such thing as an iphone or Android sim card. Just a Sim card.

Can I swap a SIM card for an Android phone?

The SIM only has your carrier data on it, nothing else. If you should happen to get an Android that uses a different size SIM, you wouldn’t be able to swap it. Q: Can iphone 6 sim card be used in an Android Moto X?

You could be asking “Can I Put my Verizon SIM card in another phone?”

You can put your Verizon sim card in another phone if the other phone is not locked to a specific network. However, if the other phone is locked to another network carrier, I’m sorry your Verizon sim card will not work in the other phone unless you get an unlocked phone. Can you put your sim card in another phone? The answer is yes.

Can I use my Android phone with an iPhone?

The best place to start is to make sure that your current Android SIM card will work in your new i, and phone. If your Android device uses the nano-SIM, the latest form of SIM card, then it will work in the i. Phone 5 and later models. If it uses micro-SIM, you will only be able to use an i. Phone 4 and i, and phone 4s.

How do I put a SIM card in my Android phone?

Insert your SIM Card into your Android Phone Most Android phones have the SIM card located under the back plate next to the battery. Newer phones such as the Google Nexus 4 and HTC One X+ have SIM card trays like the i, and phone 5. Some Android phones require a regular size SIM card and others require a micro-SIM card.