Does ubuntu run on intel 64 bit?

The 64-bit version of Ubuntu will run on any PC (or Mac) with a 64-bit Intel or AMD processor. The amd in amd64 doesn’t mean that this architecture is AMD-specific. The first 64-bit processors for PC’s were made by AMD; it’s for that historical reason that the architecture name has amd in it.

Yes, you can use the AMD64 version for intel laptops. If you are using a 64-bit computer, you will download the amd64 version, regardless what brand of CPU you are using. If you are wondering, a 64-bit computer can run the i386 (32-bit) version of Ubuntu as well.

There is no problem with i3 ( Its a 64 bit processor and support 32bit mode as well). You can load any version of ubuntu to that.

Yet another query we ran across in our research was “Should I install Ubuntu on my Intel i7 processor?”.

Since you have Intel i7 processor, presumably you may have at least 4GB RAM. If so, go ahead, Buddy. Install 14.04 LTS 64 bit on your system. You would be amazed to see the performance of Ubuntu. I agree the releases of the desktop iso’s is confusing.

Can Ubuntu run on Intel nucs?

Since, Intel’s NUC devices basically uses Intel core i3 processors, which are well supported by Linux and Ubuntu, Ubuntu should be Ok on these devices. Note that there is nothing special in Windows to be eligible for running on an architecture, where Ubuntu can’t.

Is there a 64-bit daily build of Ubuntu for Intel CPUs?

Yes, there is a 64-bit daily build of Ubuntu Raring Ringtail (soon to be Ubuntu 13.04) for Intel cpus. In fact, you mentioned it: it’s the one that is called “64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop image”.

An answer is that if you are using a 64-bit computer, you will download the amd64 version, regardless what brand of CPU you are using. If you are wondering, a 64-bit computer can run the i386 (32-bit) version of Ubuntu as well.

Does AMD64 Ubuntu work with AMD processors?

Back to the Ubuntu ISO download issue, if you are using a 32-bit computer, you will download the i386 version.