Should I download ubuntu lts or not?

Ubuntu is one of the few Linux operating systems that offer LTS releases. LTS releases are supported and maintained with security updates and bug fixes for five years after the initial release. Due to this, LTS releases are always the most stable and secure .

So, should I get ubuntu lts?

One way to consider this is if you are new to Ubuntu; always go with the LTS. As a general rule, LTS releases are what people should install. 19.10 is an exception to that rule because it’s just that good. An added bonus is the next release in April will be LTS and you can upgrade from 19.10 to 20.04 then tell your system to stay on LTS releases.

The answer was this will leave your system unsecured. If you choose an LTS release (any flavor) like Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, you don’t need to worry about upgrading to a newer release every 9 months. However, it may take some time before you have the latest versions of some software.

What is the LTS version of Ubuntu?

Every two years, in April, the LTS version is released. LTS releases are considered the ‘enterprise-grade’ releases. They are typically used for production servers that need security and reliability, like web hosts. The last LTS release was in 2020, Ubuntu 20.04. The other release in 2020, Ubuntu 20.10, would have been called an interim release.

Ubuntu 20.04 comes packed with Linux Kernel 5.4 will be supported till April 2025. And, the latest LTS point release is Ubuntu 20.04.3. Every LTS version release is followed by seven point releases, with extra extended security maintenance updates available for five more years (for a fee).

What is the difference between Ubuntu LTS and Ubuntu?

, at spinup WP, we chose Ubuntu for a few reasons: Ubuntu is heavily focused on usability. It has a large selection of software packages available. Ubuntu has a reliable release schedule, with frequent software updates. It has one of the largest contributing communities, leading to more helpful resources.

Any Ubuntu release is supported until the end-of-life period. For LTS versions, this is usually five years. And, for non-LTS versions, it is nine months.

Which Ubuntu flavor should you choose?

I say you install Ubuntu Budgie. It is beautiful right out of the box and is more memory-friendly than the default Ubuntu. Ubuntu GNOME, however, is the most popular version for a reason and you will find a lot more materials to guide you as you use it along the way.

How to choose between Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Lubuntu?

The difference is: default Ubuntu uses Gnome as default DEXubuntu uses XFCE as default DELubuntu uses LXDE/LXQT as default. Kubuntu uses KDE as default.