The problem is that most people are so hung up (used to) the Microsoft way that they find hard to install it on Linux. Most Linux distros give you a repository of applications that you can install at the tip of you fingers.
Linux is sometimes considered harder to use than Unix. Unix has more company supported versions, so they cost a little money but you get customer support. Free versions of Linux are harder to use because there is little support for it.
As the saying goes by, “Not everything you hear is always true,” I had some enthusiasm for the subject, and I’m glad I dug in and explored this amazing gem of a software. Linux is often overlooked as a “hard to use” operating system ; hence people avoid it without even trying it.
The next thing we wanted the answer to was, is Linux Mint hard to install and use?
You see, Linux is easier to install and use than ever. If you tried installing and using it years ago, you may want to give a modern Linux distribution a second chance. We’re using Ubuntu 14.04 as an example here, but Linux Mint is very similar.
Also, is GNU/Linux difficult to understand?
One source claimed After all GNU/Linux is all electronic mathematics. It is an attitude that gets developed for problem solving, the first and foremost thing to understand while working on machines and source code. So one should really come out of that web of thought that it is difficult to understand.
Do I need to learn Linux to be more productive?
You don’t need to, but if you don’t learn it you really miss something. Learning Linux and terminal takes time, you will not be fluent in a few days. At first you may think everything is over-complicated. But you will become much more productive. On Linux there is a command line for everything.
Why is Linux so overlooked?
Linux is often overlooked as a “hard to use” operating system ; hence people avoid it without even trying it. Windows is a great OS for people who want an operating system to work and work very well. But, I bet many people currently on the edge of their seats, trying to find one more reason to ignore Linux.
One question we ran across in our research was “What are the pros and cons of Linux?”.
Your data is always safe on Linux and will not be sent to anyone, anywhere. Lightweight distros like Linux Lite don’t consume more than 1GB of RAM. Other ‘heavy’ distros don’t need more than 2GB of RAM. As the OS is less power hungry, you can add new life to old computers that you thought were nothing less than junk.
Should I install Linux on Windows 8?
If there’s a problem, you can reboot and nothing will have changed on your system. If you just want to play with Linux a bit, you don’t even need to install it. If you have a Windows 8 PC with Secure Boot, you may have to disable Secure Boot to install Linux — but that should be quick. The installation process is much faster.
Does Linux have a desktop software support problem?
Plus, as more and more software becomes web-based, Linux’s lack of desktop software support has become less of a problem. For example, if you really want Microsoft Office compatibility, you can use Microsoft’s free Office Online service in your web browser.