Linux drains a lot of battery compared to windows because windows hardware and software settings have been optimised to consume less battery power. In a linux system the user will have to optimise these settings by themselves which is not that easy. Hence linux systems generally drain more power.
On each operating system, the display brightness was maxed out as well as disabling any dim-while-idle settings. Overall, the power use between Windows 10 and the four tested Linux distributions was basically on-par with each other.
While writing we ran into the query “Does Ubuntu consume more power than other operating systems?”.
It was interesting to note though that Ubuntu 18.04 LTS had spiked much higher than the other operating systems under test. Also visible from the graph is several times where the Windows power usage was spiking.
This begs the inquiry “Why linux consumes more power?”
If your Linux distribution drains so much battery, that means so many unnecessary services are running in background. … A default Linux installation will use more power because there is a lot of computer hardware out there which is buggy. Does dual boot affect battery?
Does the Linux OS consume more battery than Windows?
If you using default configuration then your OS definitely consumes more battery compare to Windows. But Good thing is that with help of Utility like TLP, you can extends your battery Life in Linux. TLP optimize your power consumption in Linux and help in your better life.
I am running ubuntu 18.04 alongside windows 10,dual boot. It consumes more battery charge than Windows. Also it heats up my asus laptop . But laptop is much quite and cool when running windows. Is there a solution. 62 comments share save hide report 90% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In. Sign Up Sort by: best level 1 · 4 yr., and ago.
Does Linux affect laptop battery life and power efficiency?
Desktop Linux distros don’t have the best reputation when it comes to laptop battery life and ‘power efficiency’. A laptop that gets 8 hours on Windows 10 often struggles to hit 4 hours with a Linux distro like Ubuntu., and that depends. It’s a complex, caveated, and contentious issue.
How can I reduce power usage on my Ubuntu laptop?
One of the quickest and most effective ways to cut power usage is to turn down the brightness. You don’t need a digital tan. If your keyboard has brightness control keys give them a tap to find a brightness level that works for you. You can also use the slider tucked away in the ‘Brightness and Lock’ section of Ubuntu’s System Settings.
Which Linux distros use the most power?
Also visible from the graph is several times where the Windows power usage was spiking. Of the Linux distributions when going by the average power use and peak power consumption, Fedora Workstation 28 was doing the best of the tested Linux distros in this basic round of testing.
What are some things you want to know about Linux?
Text only mode in Linux (No Gnome, KDE, Unity) to prolong battery life 2 Ubuntu 14.04.1, 14.10 base distros take 30min+ to get to splash screen 0 Poor multi-core performance with qemu, arch linux and Windows 10 1 Low battery life under Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon ‘Sarah’ 2 ASUS Zen. Book – Battery is never fully charged 1.