Facetime is carried by Wi. Fi and the internet, not the cell carrier. There is no cost, unless your ISP doesn’t provide unlimited data and you have to pay data charges for your home (or hotel) internet. If and when Face. Time is available on 3G, you may have to pay for data overage. However, it never is charged by the minute.
There is no charge for use of Facetime. However, if either end is using cellular data the data will come out of your data allowance. If you are using Wi. Fi on both ends it will be free ., face Time is free but requires Wi-Fi or Cellular/3G/4G/LTE (This may cost money from your carrier) for use.
Is FaceTime free to use in the UK?
However, activating Facetime sends text message to Apple servers in the UK. If you are on a carrier that supports the i. Phone this text is free, but if your carrier does not you will pay an international SMS charge for it. No charge for face time u only need to have wifi connection and the people u doing face time with need to have a apple device .
Can I use FaceTime in the UK?
Facetime only works with Wi. Fi, so the general answer is no, unless you pay for Wi, and fi. However, activating Facetime sends text message to Apple servers in the UK. If you are on a carrier that supports the i. Phone this text is free, but if your carrier does not you will pay an international SMS charge for it.
Is there any charge for face time recipient?
Posted on Aug 12, 2012 2:54 PM Is there any charge for the recipient of Face Time – i., and e. Equal cost for caller and user? Facetime only works with Wi. Fi, so the general answer is no, unless you pay for Wi, and fi. However, activating Facetime sends text message to Apple servers in the UK.
Is FaceTime free on 3G plans?
, currenty, face Time only works over Wi. Fi, so it has no impact on the plan from your carrier, and thus is “free”, if your Wi. Fi connection is free. , when i OS 6.0 is introduced, Face. Time will be able to be done over 3G.
You should be asking “Does FaceTime over 3G use unlimited data?”
In other words, even though you have “unlimited data”, you carrier still must support Face. Time over 3G., currenty, face Time only works over Wi. Fi, so it has no impact on the plan from your carrier, and thus is “free”, if your Wi. Fi connection is free., when i OS 6.0 is introduced, Face. Time will be able to be done over 3G.