Are facetime calls free?

Yes, they are free — as long as they are through the internet, as the vast majority of Facetime calls are. If you’re using a Mac, then all of your calls will neccessarily be over the internet, even international calls, so they’ll be free too.

Many carriers now are offering Facetime over cellular network if you are using i, and os6. Using this however, uses your data. There are also apps like Skype that you can use over wifi as well, but to truly answer your question, calls between i. Phones are not free.

Is FaceTime over WiFi free to use?

, using face Time over Wi. Fi is usually free (although not always if the ISP providing Wi. Fi charges for data)., using face Time over cellular data will NOT be free; it gets applied against the cellular data allowance.

However, activating Facetime sends text message to Apple servers in the UK. If you are on a carrier that supports the i. Phone this text is free, but if your carrier does not you will pay an international SMS charge for it. No charge for face time u only need to have wifi connection and the people u doing face time with need to have a apple device .

Do facetime calls cost money?

It does not cost anything. , face Time can be done when both parties are connected to an available wi-fi network., face Time calls are not done via the cellular network and if this were supported, it would not be minutes used. It would be data. Facetime is carried by Wi. Fi and the internet, not the cell carrier.

While I was reading we ran into the query “Does FaceTime cost money to use?”.

, face Time is a free service from Apple. It requires an internet data connection, either wifi or cellular. If the data connection is free, there are no charges at all. If a carrier or wifi provider charges you to use their data connection, then charges will apply (to the internet connection provider, not to Apple).

Is there a charge to use FaceTime?

There is no charge for use of Facetime. However, if either end is using cellular data the data will come out of your data allowance. If you are using Wi. Fi on both ends it will be free., face Time is free but requires Wi-Fi or Cellular/3G/4G/LTE (This may cost money from your carrier) for use.

Posted on Aug 12, 2012 2:54 PM Is there any charge for the recipient of Face Time – i., and e. Equal cost for caller and user? Facetime only works with Wi. Fi, so the general answer is no, unless you pay for Wi, and fi. However, activating Facetime sends text message to Apple servers in the UK.

What is FaceTime free Android app?

This free app for android where you can make video calls to facetime and call without a phone number ” Facetime video calls and chat on your Android device!”. This alternate iphone facetime android apps for free is the best video calling on mobile android for you .

Does FaceTime use data on both ends?

However, if either end is using cellular data the data will come out of your data allowance. If you are using Wi. Fi on both ends it will be free. , face Time is free but requires Wi-Fi or Cellular/3G/4G/LTE (This may cost money from your carrier) for use.