Can youtube work without wifi?

Well now with cydia at hand, you can watch youtube without wi-fi! This will work on all i. OS 3.x – 5.x devices. This will be one simple install that will take up 641.2 kb of space.

Hello, welcome to the You. Tube Help Forum! Wi-Fi isn’t a requirement, but having access to the internet is so it depends on your devices. What devices were you thinking of streaming on.

While I was writing we ran into the question “How do I watch YouTube videos offline without internet?”.

Your video will be saved in Offline option that you can find under your youtube account. Swipe left on the youtube screen (For Android users), Click on the icon of man, that you find when you swipe left upto the last option (For IOS users). Now, enjoy the video whenever and wherever, even you don’t have internet connection.

One of the next things we wondered was can I download videos without an internet connection?

*The last picture here is not using internet. If you look in the upper left hand corner there isn’t three dots in the form of a triangle shown like previous pictures. This means wi-fi is off! Some videos depending on their length can take a while to download.

What is the best WiFi booster for YouTube?

If playback doesn’t begin shortly, try restarting your device. Videos you watch may be added to the TV’s watch history and influence TV recommendations.

Does watching YouTube use data on your phone?

If you’re watching You. Tube videos and your phone isn’t connected to Wi-Fi, you’re using mobile data. If you want to see exactly how much mobile data you’re using on your phone, you can check your data usage in your phone’s settings—we’ll go into more detail about that later.

To watch You. Tube videos, make sure you have the most up-to-date browser, operating system, and a good internet connection: Newest version of Google Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge, Safari, or Opera Internet connection with 500+ Kbps Movies and TV shows requirements.

Why do people use YouTube?

Almost all the peoples around the world use youtube to watch the videos. The cool things about youtube is that you can upload, download and share the videos and even there are some other features that is also useful to the users. One of the interesting feature that youtube has introduced is called video offline.