Why youtube views freeze at 301?

, you Tube starts to freeze the views of videos temporarily, once they reach 301 views. This is done as a measure to verify that all the views are from real viewers, instead of bots. If the views on the video are from real viewers, the view count will shortly update.

Another thing we wondered was why do my YouTube views freeze at 301?

One way to consider this is if playback doesn’t begin shortly, try restarting your device. Videos you watch may be added to the TV’s watch history and influence TV recommendations. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to You. Tube on your computer.

The administrators of You. Tube are keeping the video at 301 views as a joke., you Tube usually freezes videos when they reach 301 views for analysis as explained by others. But this is only temporarily.

On popular videos, the video count would often hit 301 views and then stop and stay like that for up to 24 hours and then jump to thousands of views after that. No one outside of Google/You. Tube knew why it stopped at 301. There were rumors, theories but no official answer from Google themselves. That is until today.

I had no idea, but there is this phenomenon with You. Tube videos and the number 301. No, not a 301 redirect but 301 views. On popular videos, the video count would often hit 301 views and then stop and stay like that for up to 24 hours and then jump to thousands of views after that.

Why is the counter frozen after 301 when I click 301?

It’s long frozen the counter after 301 so that it can take some time to filter out any fake views from robots, but doing so has meant keeping the counter really imprecise while thousands of legitimate views come in.

Why does YouTube count views less than 300 as views?

Hamilton explains that the actual code You. Tube has written for this process says that any views “less than or equal to” 300 can be counted without verification. This allows one more view to slip in before the doors are closed. None of this is of much importance from a user standpoint, of course.