What youtube video has the most dislikes?

In fact, in 2019, the platform warned of “dislike mobs” who smash the dislike button before even watching a video just to bury it with the algorithm. Some people just like to watch the world burn! These are the most-disliked You. Tube videos and a few of their surrounding controversies. Masha and the Bear – “Recipe for Disaster”.

One article claimed that sadak 2 Trailer — Fox Star Studios (13.35 million dislikes) The film trailer for Sadak 2 was published on August 12, 2020. It only took one short week to become You. Tube’s second most despised video, with a whopping 13 million dislikes. The amount of hatred for this movie trailer stemmed from the number of people unsettled by nepotism in Bollywood.

What is the most disliked YouTube video in a foreign language?

^ Учим цвета Разноцветные яйца на ферме Развивающий мультик для детей is the most disliked You. Tube video in a language other than English. The title means “Learn the colors- Colorful eggs on the farm”. On January 24, 2021, it became the seventh video on You. Tube to reach 7 million dislikes.

, and news18com.

What is a like/dislike on YouTube?

Dislikes were introduced on You. Tube in March 2010 with the change from the 5-star rating system to likes & dislikes. A 5 star rating would be transformed to a “like”, whereas a 1 star rating would become a “dislike”.

How many dislikes does YouTube 2019 have?

But, most weren’t fooled., you Tube 2019 currently has 9.2 million dis likes . Making it not only one of the most disliked videos on our list, but also a pretty good indicator that people just aren’t fans of yearly rewind videos.

What is the most disliked video game trailer of 2016?

Along with the most disliked movie trailer, 2016 showed the most disliked video game trailer, Call of Duty Infinite Warfare, which stands at over three million dislikes.