, you Tube comments turned off solution. To fix the issue, you need to first head over to the You. Tube Studio site here. Next, head over to the videos section and click the pencil icon of the video you want to fix. You will then be directed to the “Video details” section where you need to scroll and find the “Audience” section.
Why do my YouTube videos feature children and have comments disabled?
The video streaming giant had recently come under a lot of fire after failing to curb predatory comments under videos relating to children. As a result, You. Tube had made amendments by disabling comments on videos featuring children and on kids’ videos. Hence, if your videos feature children and have the comments disabled, now you know the reason.
Do you have YouTube comments turned off for kids?
However, there are plenty of users whose videos have absolutely no relation to children, but still face the You. Tube comments turned off issue. If you are one of them, then there is an easy fix for that.
Why did YouTube remove comments on some channels?
Then at the start of 2020, You. Tube began disabling the comments on several popular channels as part of its Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) changes.
But now, You. Tube has announced that comments on Art Tracks are being discontinued because “their comments can’t be moderated. ” Not only has the decision prevented viewers from commenting on the numerous Art Track videos that are available on the platform but all of the existing comments on these videos have also been deleted.
Is YouTube demonetizing your comments?
In 2019, You. Tube announced that creators could be demonetized based on the comments left by other users and started to automatically hold some comments for review. Then at the start of 2020, You. Tube began disabling the comments on several popular channels as part of its Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) changes.