How youtube stores videos?

, you Tube is the goto platform for watching and sharing videos. So, it’s obvious that there is a large volume of video content that it has to manage daily. This is done by using My. SQL and various database management systems at different places to keep You. Tube up and running. Most of the You. Tube data is stored in the Google Modular Data Centers.

Here is a video that tells you… In short You. Tube use Google’s data centres to store the videos. But if you want to know the process. You can check the video on You. Tube itself :p. The video digs a little deeper and tells about the process visually. It is very interesting and entertaining also.

There is no hard and fast rule that the videos are stored in the data center closest to the geographical region they came out of. For example: If you upload some videos on You. Tube from India, your data may be stored in a data center in the UK. Youtube also makes use of cloud storage in addition to all these methods.

How does YouTube store data like Hadoop?

The answer is just like Hadoop, You. Tubes stores data over multiple nodes, and MIND that youtube is not keeping copies, (it may have back, but no copies). When you upload something to youtube, that data gets fragmented and stored over thousands of clusters (the servers dedicated to storing pieces of data).

Firstly, we should know how much data actually Youtube stores . Approximately 76 PB of video data is stored in Youtube every year.

Why does YouTube use so much storage space?

It allows You. Tube to distribute files directly without any additional processing (which is computer-time expensive). In some instances (4k videos), if all profiles are generated it can amount to 5x more storage than an original video. For our calculation we will count with only 4x, because not that many videos are 4k.

While I was researching we ran into the question “Why does YouTube have so many servers?”.

Also for different purposes different kind of servers are used. Youtube does not store all videos to all its server. Most popular videos are stored on multiple servers. So they can be easily accessible. The videos are not popular can be stored on the remote server. For every video youtube takes backup.