Do youtube shorts get paid?

A creator’s new and existing Shorts count toward channel performance for a payment from the Shorts Fund in February. Early February You. Tube reviews Shorts channel performance for January, and tells qualifying creators that they qualify for a bonus payment. February 25 Qualifying creators claim their bonus or it may expire.

Can I earn money from YouTube shorts?

Yes you will be able to earn money from You. Tube Shorts but not in the convention You. Tube has officially announced its You. Tube Shorts Monetization program.

You could be thinking “Are YouTube shorts worth it for creators?”

Some believe that For some creators, the new You. Tube Shorts feature has been a goldmine for generating more views. We’ve witnessed several channels post vertical videos of less than 60 seconds, have them featured on You. Tube’s Stories and Short Videos shelf, and get thousands of views in a short amount of time.

How do you make money from a YouTube short?

The other way is by viewing it as a regular You, and tube video. That’s what happens when viewers watch a video on channel pages, within browse features, and many other areas on the platform. If a video is watched as a You. Tube Short, it earns no revenue.

, the you Tube Shorts Fund is a $100M fund to reward creators for their dedication to making creative, original Shorts that delight the You, and tube community. We’ll reach out to thousands of creators each month to tell them that they qualify for a Shorts bonus from the fund. To be eligible for a bonus from the You. Tube Shorts Fund:.

How many YouTube shorts views are monetized?

As you can see, the number is astonishing. Even taking out all of the Shorts views that can’t be monetized, only 3% of regular You. Tube views were monetized . This is a wild generalization, but in our experience, a monetized channel can usually get two-thirds of their views monetized.

This begs the question “Is Dan’s video on YouTube shorts monetized?”

Some have found that by now, it’s a known fact that Dan’s video shouldn’t be making any money because You. Tube Shorts aren’t monetized. The Creator Insider team said so themselves in this video, which explains what You. Tube Shorts are and how they behave. In regard to monetization, their exact words were.