The videos are meant to be a capsule of sorts for what content was popular at the time ., you Tube Rewind 2018 was loathed by the internet, as the most “disliked” video of 2018, with more than 17 million thumbs down., you Tube issued an apology for upsetting viewers, promising that future editions would be better.
One more query we ran across in our research was “Is YouTube Rewind 2018 the most-disliked video of all time?”.
, however, you Tube Rewind 2018 is now the most-disliked You. Tube video of all time, having beaten Justin Bieber’s Baby into second place. Which is some feat. So, why exactly is You. Tube Rewind 2018 universally hated ?
Is Rewind the most disliked YouTube video ever?
, and oh no. Rewind 2018 – which doesn’t feature You. Tube’s most subscribed channel Pew, die Pie – is on way to become most disliked You. Tube video ever., and details here.
Is PewDiePie on YouTube Rewind 2018?
Like 2017, Pew, die Pie was excluded from You. Tube Rewind 2018 as well. And like he did last year, he has now released a video roasting this year’s Rewind video. It’s a must watch as he talks about various topics in his own style, and oh, did we tell the Rewind 2018 video has a reference to Pew, die, and pie’s chair?
, pew, die Pie (real name Felix Kjellberg) wasn’t asked to take part in the 2018 You. Tube Rewind, marking the second consecutive year he got snubbed. The platform’s most popular creator was on the path to mainstream stardom when The Wall Street Journal noticed anti-Semitic imagery in some of his videos.
, pew, die Pie has overtaken You. Tube Sports in terms of subscribers to become the third biggest channel. However, the Swedish You. Tuber has got embroiled in another major controversy that may cost him next year’s Rewind as well. For details, head here.
What happened to the rewind?
Over the next few years Rewind expanded and evolved, becoming something that creators aspired to be involved in. The Rewind’s like-to-dislike ratio has been on a downward curve since 2014, and in 2018, it hit rock bottom.
The first Rewind was created by You. Tube in 2010 and featured a Top 50 list of the most popular You. Tube videos for that year.