When a user visits You. Tube the recommendation system pulls in videos and ranks the best candidates according to what that user is most likely to watch ., you Tube aims to help each viewer find videos they want to watch, and maximize long term viewer satisfaction so they keep coming back.
The recommended videos you get on You. Tube depend on the type of content you watch online. This could be anything you search for, and the You. Tube search history saves it. Further, the recommendations are also manipulated by the number of hours you spend watching content from a creator.
Candidate generation uses the implicit feedback of video watches by users to train the model. Explicit feedback such as a thumbs up or a thumbs down of a video are in general rare compared to implicit and this is an even bigger issue with long-tail videos that are not popular.
It used software to generate the hundreds of thousands of suggestions by selecting a random video to start and then automatically picking from among the top five videos that were recommended afterward. A recommended video was selected four times in sequence for each You, and tube journey.
Another factor You. Tube’s recommendation systems consider is whether others who clicked on the same video watched it to completion – a sign that the video is higher quality or enjoyable – or just clicked on it and shortly after starting to view the video, clicked away.
How many times do YouTube recommendations show up on recommended videos?
Second, more than 70 percent of the videos that You. Tube recommended showed up on the list only once. It’s impossible to examine how hundreds of thousands of videos connect to each first random video when there are such limited data about each one. So the Pew research leaves some crucial questions unanswered.
How do you share recommendations on YouTube?
We share recommendations both on You. Tube’s homepage and in the “Up next” section as a suggestion of what to watch next when you’re watching a video. We’re constantly testing, learning, and adjusting to recommend videos that are relevant to you.
Why do YouTube recommendations take so long to make sense?
In 2012, You. Tube adjusted its recommendation system to support time spent watching each video, as well as time spent on the platform overall. When people find videos valuable and interesting (or so the theory goes) they watch them for longer, perhaps even to the end.
What are recommendations and how do they work?
Recommendations help you discover more of the videos you love, whether it’s a great new recipe to try or your next favourite song. We share recommendations both on You. Tube’s homepage and in the “Up next” section as a suggestion of what to watch next when you’re watching a video.