Certain works created by U. Federal government agencies fall into the public domain immediately upon publication . Keep in mind that the rules for public domain differ between countries. It’s your responsibility to verify that a work is in the public domain before you upload it to You, and tube. There’s no official list of works in the public domain.
, you Tube has a large collection of videos licensed under one of the Creative Commons licenses or the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication. Note that many videos on You. Tube are under copyright and have not been licensed under any open license.
Posting a video to You. Tube puts it in the public domain. No, it doesn’t. People seem to think that because the public can access videos on You. Tube, for free, the vids are in the public domain. (I suppose this follows from the “everything on the Internet is public domain” misconception.).
Is there a list of works in the public domain on YouTube?
It is your responsibility to verify that a work is in the public domain before you upload it to You, and tube. There is no official list of works in the public domain. However, there are some useful resources online that might help you.
Are videos on YouTube copyrighted?
If it’s in video form and not just in somebody’s head, it’s copyrighted unless the person who created it specifically released it into the public domain. You should always assume that ANY video or creative work you find online anywhere (not just on You. Tube) is copyrighted.
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has a list of international intellectual property and copyright offices where you can learn about your area’s copyright laws. The above sites are referred to for educational purposes only and You. Tube doesn’t endorse them. How do I get permission to use someone else’s content in my video?
What is a clip on YouTube?
Clips are between 5-60 seconds long and are played on a loop from the original video’s watch page. Sign in to You, and tube. You need to be signed in to create a clip . Start watching a video.
Why are my Clips not showing up on YouTube?
If the original video is deleted or set to private, the Clips will be unavailable. If the video is set to unlisted, the Clips will still be available. If the original video violates our Community Guidelines, Clips created from that video will be removed. I created a clip from a live stream that’s not working.
How do you know if a work is in the public domain?
If a work doesn’t have a copyright notice on it, it’s in the public domain. If a work has a copyright notice on it, it’s not in the public domain. If I republish or repackage a public domain work, I can claim copyright in it. Posting a video to You. Tube puts it in the public domain. Books that are out of print are in the public domain.
While we were writing we ran into the question “What is the difference between public domain and public domain?”.
Anything I find on the Internet is in the public domain. If a work doesn’t have a copyright notice on it, it’s in the public domain. If a work has a copyright notice on it, it’s not in the public domain. If I republish or repackage a public domain work, I can claim copyright in it. Posting a video to You. Tube puts it in the public domain.