Why is yammer called yammer?

So they launched Yammer in 2008. According to the CPO, Jim Patterson, they wanted the name to reiterate this concept of persistent communication. And yammer, by some definitions, explicitly means to talk and talk… and talk for a long time. It wasn’t the only name considered, though.

This of course begs the query “What is Yammer and how does it work?”

Yammer is a unique social networking service designed with enterprise communication in mind. Yammer was created by a company called Geni with the sole purpose of helping employees connect and communicate across their organization.

Yet another question we ran across in our research was “What can you do with Yammer?”.

Use polls to crowd source feedback and get answers fast. Stay connected outside the office with the Yammer mobile app. Yammer helps you connect and engage across your organization, so you can discuss ideas, share updates, and network with others.

Yammer helps employees get answers fast even when they don’t know who to ask. Yammer enables organizations—particularly ones with multiple offices—to collaborate across locations. Instead of sending an email asking who to ask about X, you can now just post it in a Yammer Group.

Definition of yammer., and intransitive verb. 1a : to utter repeated cries of distress or sorrow. B : whimper. 2 : to utter persistent complaints : whine. 3 : to talk persistently or volubly and often loudly caused the purists to yammer for censorship— D.

When did Yammer become a company?

It was hugely successful, and was later expanded to become both its own product and company that was launched in September of 2008. Yammer quickly caught the eyes of many eager buyers before it was ultimately acquired by Microsoft in 2012.

One common answer is, the future of Yammer looks good as lots of organizations are using Yammer and Microsoft also planning to evolve Yammer to power social connection and engagement across the Office 365 suite. Yammer acting as a great platform for organization-wide employee engagement and communications for Microsoft 365 customers.

Why is the domain name Yammer so popular?

On Quora, Patterson wrote, “Yammer was selected because it was the only [name] that everyone still remembered several months later and the domain name was available for purchase. ” As luck would have it, the name passes a few other rumored tests, too.

What do seen counts mean in Yammer?

What seen counts mean Seen counts represent the number of unique users who have seen the conversation in Yammer, and only show if there is at least one person who has seen the conversation. A person is counted as having seen a conversation if the first message appears on their screen, and they scroll to the bottom of it.