Which ubuntu version to get?

How to Check Ubuntu Version

First, select Activities in the top left corner. In the search bar, enter Settings and click on the icon once it appears in the results. In the System Settings window, click on the Details tab.

Our answer is that ubuntu 20.04 comes packed with Linux Kernel 5.4 will be supported till April 2025. And, the latest LTS point release is Ubuntu 20.04.3. Every LTS version release is followed by seven point releases, with extra extended security maintenance updates available for five more years (for a fee).

How to get the most stable version of Ubuntu?

If you want the most current stable version of Ubuntu and don’t like problems just start reading from the top of the list and stop when you see the first LTS (Long Term Support) version and download and install that.

What is the name of the first Ubuntu version?

Each Ubuntu release has a version number that consists of the year and month number of the release. For example, the first release was Ubuntu 4.10 as it was released on 20 October 2004 . Ubuntu releases are also given alliterative code names, using an adjective and an animal (e. g. “Xenial Xerus “).

What version of Ubuntu Am I running?

As you can see in the screenshot, our system is running Ubuntu 18.04. There are several command options we can choose for a Ubuntu version check. Some show the version directly and others give more Ubuntu description information. First, open your terminal (CTRL + ALT + T) and then proceed.

One question we ran across in our research was “How do I know what version of Ubuntu I have?”.

Search for Ubuntu in the Microsoft Store and you’ll see three versions: “Ubuntu 16.04”, “Ubuntu  18.04 ”, and “Ubuntu”. This means you can install a specific LTS version, or always have the latest LTS version.

How do I Check my Ubuntu version?

The preferred method to check your Ubuntu version is to use the lsb_release utility, which displays LSB (Linux Standard Base) information about the Linux distribution. This method will work no matter which desktop environment or Ubuntu version you are running. Follow the steps below to check the Ubuntu version from the command line :.

Which version of Ubuntu should you install on your Microsoft Store?

Canonical plans to add every Long Term Release (LTS) version of Ubuntu to the Microsoft Store, and are giving users the ability to decide which version they want—hence the separate listings. Installing Ubuntu 16.04 gives you the version of Ubuntu released in April of 2016, codename Xenial Xerus, which will get security updates until April 2021.

Should I upgrade to a new Ubuntu version?

This will leave your system unsecured. If you choose an LTS release (any flavor) like Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, you don’t need to worry about upgrading to a newer release every 9 months. However, it may take some time before you have the latest versions of some software.