What version of linux should I use?

To sum up, as a normal desktop user, your focus should be on default Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Mate and Ubuntu Budgie. And based on YOUR preference, you can choose to install the one you like.

But if you use SSH to log in to a remote Linux server provided by an enterprise or client, you may wonder which Linux distribution and version it is. The simplest way to check Linux version is to see the content of the /etc/os-release file:.

One source claimed that so, if you do not want a unique user interface (like Ubuntu), Linux Mint should be the perfect choice. The most popular suggestion would be to go with Linux Mint Cinnamon edition. But, you can explore whatever you want. You might want to look at our tutorial to install Linux Mint 20 from USB.

For example, the /etc/os-release provides more lines for Cent, and os linux. However, all of them provide the Linux distribution name and version so it is a pretty reliable way to know which Linux you are running. In fact, it is the most reliable way.

What linux version is best to replace win xp?

If you have moderate hardware configuration, you can rely on Linux Mint Mate to replace Windows XP. Linux Mint (MATE) 2. If you are running Windows XP for a long time on a system with old hardware, you can still breathe life in to your PC using Linux Mint XFCE edition.

Is there a Linux OS that can replace Windows XP?

Packed up with several software by default, Zorin OS is the ideal replacement for Windows XP for a computer with moderate configuration. Download Zorin OS. That compiles our list of 4 Linux alternatives to replace Windows XP with. Indeed you do not need to stop at these 4 Linux OS.

What are the best Linux alternatives to Windows 7 and Windows 10?

Keeping this in mind here we are with some best Linux alternatives to Windows 7 and Windows 10 Operating systems. They have a Windows familiar interface and ease of usage for beginners. We have chosen Linux Mint because it based on Ubuntu that means the benefit of a wide range of software and above that a familiar Windows 7 interface.

What is the best alternative to Windows XP?

Mate is a desktop environment which is similar to Windows user interface with desktop shortcuts, bottom panel etc. If you have moderate hardware configuration, you can rely on Linux Mint Mate to replace Windows XP.

Now, you have only few options to replace Windows XP. And those are: Continue running Windows XP and make your computer un-secure and unusable Upgrade to Windows 7 or Windows 8 and pay at least $100 and more for an antivirus system and office products.