Things to do on photoshop when bored?

Creating a Mosaic. Using your photos to create a mosaic of some sort is always a long project that rewards the user with very interesting results. When looking at a photo, human beings are naturally drawn to the eyes and face. You know that, “Polaroid look” that everyone seems to go crazy for? Don’t do it using an app or an in-camera effect.

We’ve got this handy tutorial from our selection of cool things to do in Photoshop. A blurred background is a great way to bring attention to the objects in the foreground. Create a Haunted Portrait Effect in Photoshop I’ve got some pretty unique Photoshop ideas for you. Have you ever wished to create a haunted image?

What to do on the computer when you are bored?

One of the most productive things to do on the computer when you are bored is to learn something new. A new language is always on your New Year’s resolution list, but somehow you never get to do it., and start now. Organize your reading list If you don’t have a reading list – create one. And then organize it. Browse for books to read.

You should be asking “What are some fun things to do when you are bored?”

Here is a bucket list of the various fun things to do when you are bored and confined at home. Search the refrigerator at the middle of the night and see what’s there to eat Go and ring the bell in somebody else’s house and hide behind the sidewall. Nobody is watching.

Read a play, or write one. It’s like watching a movie, except it’s reading (or writing). Sew a mask for a friend. An act of love and of creativity. Design your future tattoo.

What are the best Photoshop tutorials to try?

Transform a Person into an Alien 4.