Can surveymonkey data be exported to excel?

, the survey Monkey Excel Add-In is a powerful tool that allows you to connect with live Survey. Monkey data, directly from Microsoft Excel. Use Excel to access Survey. Monkey Rollups, Surveys, Questions, etc. Perfect for mass exports, Excel-based data analysis, and more!

Another thing we wondered was, can you export surveymonkey to excel?

One answer is that To export your survey results : Go to the Analyze Results section of your survey. Choose XLS, select your export options, and click Export.

How do I export my survey data to excel?

Select an export type: All Summary Data or All Responses Data. Choose XLS, select your export options, and click Export. Under EXPORTS in the left sidebar, click the export to download the file to your computer. Exports are stored here for 14 days. Summary Data exports organize survey results by question .

Can I export my survey results as a CSV?

You can export your survey results as a CSV (Comma Separated Value). CSV exports open in spreadsheet software programs, like Excel or Numbers. See example exports ยป Go to the Analyze Results section of your survey. Click Save As at the top of the page.

How do I export my data to an Excel file?

Click Export file. Select an export type: All Summary Data or All Responses Data. Choose XLS, select your export options, and click Export. Under EXPORTS in the left sidebar, click the export to download the file to your computer. Exports are stored here for 14 days.

Click Save As at the top of the page. Click Export file. Select an export type: All Summary Data or All Responses Data. Choose XLS, select your export options, and click Export. Under EXPORTS in the left sidebar, click the export to download the file to your computer.