What is the next servicenow release?

The newest version, Service. Now Quebec will be officially released Q1 of 2021 with early options below: Q4 2020: Early Release Program Registration Opens Q1 2021: Early Availability Begins.

, each service Now version comes with new functionality and also the bug fixes which were reported in the last release by customers. All releases of Service. Now release are in alphabetic order and started from A and named after famous cities in the world.

What is the ServiceNow Fuji release?

The Fuji release was considered the first major Service. Now version update. This version took longer to release than the previous ones, given that the platform regularly updates its software every six months or so.

What is the next ServiceNow release after Quebec?

The next releases after Quebec will include Service. Now Rome (Q3 2021) and Service. Now San Diego (Q1 2022). Stay tuned for more details! Some top and enhanced and new features of the Paris release are included below. For more on Paris, click here. Stay tuned as Service. Now will be releasing Paris product notes in 2020.

Version: Quebec Release Date: Q1 2021 The newest version, Service. Now Quebec will be officially released Q1 of 2021 with early options below: Q4 2020: Early Release Program Registration Opens Q1 2021: Early Availability Begins For more on early availability, click here.

, remember, service Now operates on an n-1 support model. This means once Quebec is released, you must either upgrade to Quebec or the Paris release. General availability for the Service. Now Quebec release is targeted for late Q1 2021. Stay tuned for more exact dates from Service, and now!

When will ServiceNow Orlando be released?

, service Now announced its release of Orlando on January 23rd, 2020. Read more to learn about each Service. Now version from the very first release, to the upcoming Paris Service, and now version .

This of course begs the inquiry “When will the ServiceNow Paris product notes be released?”

Stay tuned as Service. Now will be releasing Paris product notes in 2020. , the service Now Orlando release notes came out January 23rd, 2020 officially.