Why is mx linux so popular reddit?

Welcome to the MX Linux Reddit. MX Linux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian Linux. MX is a cooperative venture between the anti. X and former MEPIS communities, using the best tools and talents from each distro.

It’s popular because it makes Debian more user friendly for beginning to intermediate (Not so much “non technical”) Linux users. It has newer packages from Debian backports repos; vanilla Debian uses older packages. MX users also benefit from custom tools which are great time savers. Is MX Linux the best?

PS mx-linux and antix linux are popular for people with older, low end, less powerful computer systems because the are light weight on the resources used. Last edited by DAMIEN1307 on Mon Aug 26, 2019 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

You should be thinking “What is MX Linux all about?”

At the same time, any long-time Linux user could log in and immediately start tweaking the desktop to make it perfectly fit their typical workflow. That’s what MX Linux is all about, and part of the reason why it’s become the most downloaded Linux distribution on Distrowatch.

It’s popular because it makes Debian more user friendly for beginning to intermediate (Not so much “non technical”) Linux users. It has newer packages from Debian backports repos; vanilla Debian uses older packages. MX users also benefit from custom tools which are great time savers.

What do you think about MX Tools?

The MX Tools are all very user-friendly and work exactly as expected. Take all of this together and you have a Linux distribution that transcends Linux to become a desktop operating system for everyone–that should be the goal of every Linux desktop developer.

Is the MX Linux DistroWatch link fake?

It is therefore not linked to the number of real users, but rather to the number of curious who probably clicked the MX Linux link because it’s at the top of the list (a vicious circle). No, it’s not fake. But it’s not the popularity of the MX Linux distro. It’s rather the popularity of the MX Linux’s webpage on Distro, and watch.