Outlook e-mail profiles are stored in the Windows registry. When Outlook starts, it retrieves the profile information from the registry. Note: You use the Mail icon in Control Panel to access options for configuring Outlook e-mail profiles.
One frequent answer is, if you still can’t find the location of your profiles. Please open your Outlook and click File > Office Account, then provide me with the screenshot of “About Outlook” if possible. Any update, please feel free to post back.
What is a profile in Outlook 2013?
More A profile contains configuration information for email accounts, data files, and information about where your email items are saved. Unlike other commands and settings for Microsoft Outlook 2013, profiles are edited in Control Panel in Windows, not within Outlook.
Where is microsoft outlook located?
If you want the location right away directly, then Outlook. Exe is located at: C: Program Files, microsoft officeroot Office19 The value ‘Office19’ will depend on your version of Office software.
Also, how do I find the location of outlook in Windows 10?
Right-click on it, and select Properties. It will open the location for Outlook. Exe in the File Explorer. Since I am using Office 365, the folder is named Office16. If you are using an earlier version, this can change.
Where are my Outlook files stored?
Outlook stores your email (and attachments), calendar and contacts together in one file that uses the extension “PST”. Unless you tell Outlook to use a different pst stored somewhere else, Outlook creates the *.pst under your Windows user account directory.
If Outlook is open, you can open Windows Explorer to the pst location from the File, Data File Management menu. ( File, Account settings, Data files tab in Outlook 2010 or 2013.).
Where can I find the profile settings?
The profile settings are in the registry. It’s not recommended to use them on a different computer because they contain file locations but they can be used to restore a profile on the same computer. Outlook 2013 and up has the keys at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\xx.0\Outlook\Profiles key. (xx= your version).