Can microsoft edge open pdf?

Microsoft Edge comes with a built-in PDF reader that lets you open your local pdf files, online pdf files, or pdf files embedded in web pages. You can annotate these files with ink and highlighting.

By default, Microsoft Edge uses its internal PDF viewer to open all PDF files. This may be a good feature for personal use, however, in some business environments, this not work as expected and a dedicated PDF application works great instead.

How do I open a PDF file in Microsoft Edge?

When a pop-up appears on the screen, then select the Microsoft Edge program to open the PDF file. Now, select and check on Always use this app to open .pdf. Click OK to save the changes. You may also change your default settings from MS Edge to Acrobat Reader XI or a similar program for opening PDF files., and for this:.

1 Open Microsoft Edge 2 Click on the three dots (…) from the right top corner. 3 Select Settings from the drop down and click on Site permissions from the left pane. 4 Scroll down and click on PDF documents, Toggle the switch to On for Always open PDF files externally.

What versions of Microsoft Edge support the PDF reader?

The Microsoft Edge PDF reader is a secure and reliable application that works across the Windows and mac. OS desktop platforms. This article applies to Microsoft Edge version 77 or later. The following table shows which channels and versions of Microsoft Edge support each PDF reader feature.

Does Windows 10 have edge as default PDF reader?

Windows 10 has Edge as its default web browser instead of Microsoft’s traditional web browser, Internet Explorer, in all the devices. Microsoft Edge is now the default pdf reader to open and view pdf files in Windows 10 supported workstations.

Why does MS Edge remain the default PDF reader?

MS Edge remains the default PDF reader even if the user reinstalls Acrobat Reader in order to access the PDF files. Amid the process, the file can become inaccessible, and MS Edge may indicate some error messages.

How to fix new edge chromium not opening PDF files?

Click on Apps and select Default apps from the left pane. Now scroll down and click on Choose default apps by file type. Scroll and look for., and pdf, pdxml, and. Pdx file type, then click on the + sign to change it to Adobe Reader. Method 2 : Stop opening PDF file if you are using New Edge Chromium.

Why can’t I open PDF files on Windows 10?

In Windows 7/ 8/ 8.1/ XP when the PDF gets downloaded it opens automatically. But Windows 10 user, gets the PDF file in Microsoft Edge. Even if other PDF readers are installed on the system, Windows 10 uses Microsoft Edge. If there is some problem in the Edge browser, then it becomes difficult to view PDF files.