How many linux os are there?

As you probably know, Linux is not a single operating system, but a wide variety of operating systems based on the Linux kernel. These operating systems are referred to as distributions or distros. There are approximately 600 Linux distros, even though some of them are no longer in active development.

How many Linux distros are there?

There are over 600 Linux distros and about 500 in active development. However, we felt the need to focus on some of the widely used distros some of which have inspired other Linux flavors. If you liked this article, then do subscribe to email alerts for Linux tutorials. If you have any questions or doubts? Do ask for help in the comments section.

What are the different types of Linux operating systems?

There’s Ubuntu, Fedora, Linux Mint, elementary and hundreds of other ‘Linux variants’. The trouble is that some of them look just like the others. If that’s the case, why are there so many Linux operating systems?

Some Linux operating systems provide all the new software versions immediately after their release, while some take time to test them for your own good. Some Linux systems (like Ubuntu) provide an easier way of installing new software, while you may find it complicated in others (like Gentoo ).

This is why Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, SUSE, Manjaro and many other Linux-based operating systems (also called Linux distributions or Linux distros ) exist. You might also have noticed that these Linux operating systems offer different variants but they look similar. I mean look at Fedora’s default GNOME version and Debian’s GNOME version.

What is the best linux os?

Linux Mint is a popular distribution of Linux based on Ubuntu and Debian. This is one of the most common Linux distributions used by people. Some extra things to keep in mind are: pop_os! Manjaro, from system76, elementary os fedora, mx linux, zorin, mx linux is a popular debian-based linux distribution, solus, or deepin.

What is the best Linux OS for a beginner?

Zorin OS was started by two teenagers based in Ireland. You may read their story here. _OS by Sytem76 is a great pick for developers or computer science professionals. Of course, not just limited to coders – it is also an excellent choice if you’re just starting to use Linux.

A common question we ran across in our research was “What is the most beautiful Linux distro you have ever used?”.

My chosen answer is Elementary OS is one of the most beautiful Linux distros I’ve ever used. The UI resembles that of Mac OS – so if you have already used a Mac-powered system, it’s easy to get comfortable with.

So, what is the best Ubuntu-based desktop operating system?

Zorin OS is yet another Ubuntu-based distribution which happens to be one of the most good-looking and intuitive OS for desktop. Especially, after Zorin OS 15 release – I would definitely recommend it for users without any Linux background. A lot of GUI-based applications comes baked in as well.

Is Linux Mint the best Linux distribution?

According to the OS’ website, Linux Mint is now the leading Linux distribution, surpassing Ubuntu and all other distros to become the main competition against Windows and Mac, and os. When you look at Linux Mint’s features, like the Libre. Office productivity suite and the Timeshift snapshot restore function, that claim becomes easy to believe.