, mac OS 12 Monterey, unveiled in June 2021 at WWDC, is the current version of mac. OS that was released on Monday, October 25. Compared to mac. OS Big Sur, mac. OS Monterey is a smaller update, but there are still many notable new features that improve the Mac experience.
A frequent inquiry we ran across in our research was “What is the latest version of macOS Monterey?”.
Apple made mac. OS Monterey (mac. OS 12) available to download (as long as you have a compatible Mac) on Monday 25 October 2021 at around 6pm UK time/10am in California. However the latest version is mac. OS Monterey 12.0.1.
, mac OS Monterey is the next big update for Mac computers – created in-house by Apple. Monterey is the 18th major release of Mac software. And it’ll work across Mac. Books (including Air and Pro), Mac minis, the Mac Pro and i, and macs. It was unveiled at Apple’s annual WWDC event in June 2021 – but with an October release.
With its renewed focus on continuity, mac. OS Monterey looks like a clear play on Apple’s part to strengthen the ties that bind Mac users into Apple’s walled garden of devices and services.
What is macOS 12 Monterey and is it free?
At Apple’s recent ‘Unleashed’ event, the company announced that mac. OS 12 Monterey would launch on Monday October 25, which it did. As usual, this is a free update for everyone with a compatible system.
Audio player loading … mac. OS 12 Monterey is now available to download, and brings a whole host of features to Macs and Mac. Books, especially to the new models running M1 Pro and M1 Max that were announced at Apple’s October 2021 event. It’s a release that brings features that you can already use in i. OS, such as Shortcuts and the redesigned Safari.
What is the new quick note feature coming to macOS Monterey?
We use Notes a lot, as we are sure a lot of people do, so the new Quick Note feature coming to mac. OS Monterey will no doubt be useful. With Quick Note it will be possible to jot down ideas without even opening the Notes app.