, mac OS 12 Monterey, unveiled in June 2021 at WWDC, is the current version of mac. OS that was released on Monday, October 25. Compared to mac. OS Big Sur, mac. OS Monterey is a smaller update, but there are still many notable new features that improve the Mac experience.
Apple will likely fix any major ones in a mac. OS 12.0.1 update within weeks. If you have an older Intel Mac, you should seriously consider waiting for at least the first major update to Monterey. Several posts on Appleās forums and on Twitter are from users who installed Monterey on older Macs and are unable to run their computers.
According to Apple, “mac. OS Monterey comes with new ways for users to connect, get more done, and work more fluidly across their Apple devices”. This is an update that appeals to people who have multiple Apple devices, such as the i. Pad and i, and phone.
What macos monterey?
, mac OS Monterey (version 12) is the 18th and current major release of mac. OS, Apple ‘s desktop operating system for Macintosh computers. The successor to mac. OS Big Sur, it was announced at WWDC 2021 on June 7, 2021, and released on October 25, 2021.
What is macOS 12 Monterey and when does it launch?
Apple announced mac. OS 12’s new name as Monterey, picked due to it being part of Big Sur by the Californian coast. At Apple’s recent ‘Unleashed’ event, the company announced that mac. OS 12 Monterey would launch on Monday October 25, which it did.
, mac OS Monterey is compatible with all Macs equipped with Apple silicon So. Cs, as well as the following models equipped with Intel CPUs: Notably, mac. OS Monterey drops support for Macs featuring Intel CPUs based on the Broadwell and Haswell architectures, as well as Nvidia brand GPUs .
Besides the new features, Monterey brings a lot of under-the-hood improvements and optimizations, including security updates and optimizations to make the operating system run more efficiently. For more information on how to use the new features, check out our mac. OS Monterey Superguide.
What are the system requirements to upgrade to macOS Monterey?
Learn how to upgrade to mac, and os monterey. If upgrading from mac. OS Sierra or later, mac. OS Monterey requires 26GB of available storage to upgrade. If upgrading from an earlier release, mac. OS Monterey requires up to 44GB of available storage. Learn how to identify your Mac, and book pro.
What is the difference between macOS Monterey and macOS Big Sur?
Compared to mac. OS Big Sur, mac. OS Monterey is a smaller update, but there are still many notable new features that improve the Mac experience. Universal Control is perhaps one of the biggest updates, allowing a single mouse, trackpad, and keyboard to be used across multiple Macs and also the i. Pad for moving content between devices.