Why linux and not windows?

Because Linux is free, lightweight, compatible with old hardware, privacy-focusing, securer, etc. In Windows system, you know you are not the master of the system. Microsoft forbids you from doing many things, and it may secretly collect your information.

Why linux not windows?

Linux systems are open-source, which means that you can use them without paying for anything. As a 2. Apart from decreasing the risk of backdoors, another reason why Linux is securer than Windows is that Linux 3. Some more items to investigate are privacy, or microsoft.

In Windows system, you know you are not the master of the system. Microsoft forbids you from doing many things, and it may secretly collect your information. However, in Linux system, you will feel you are the master of the system.

One more inquiry we ran across in our research was “Why is Linux more secure than Windows?”.

Apart from decreasing the risk of backdoors, another reason why Linux is securer than Windows is that Linux restricts “root” rights. Windows users are generally granted administrator rights by default, which means they can access almost everything in the system.

What is Linux and why does it exist?

To be precise, ‘Linux’ as such does not actually exist. Its historical background lies in the 1960s, with the development of Unix. However, Unix is a proprietary operating system, which is why computer scientist Linus Torvalds developed an open-source alternative in the early 1990s: the Linux kernel.

However, in contrast, Linux is completely an open source project. You can have a look at the source code of a Linux OS, which is a plus. I know, most people don’t care about this openness of Linux, but to me, this is the most important feature of using GNU/Linux.

Can you run Linux on a low end system?

For instance, if you purchase a genuine copy of Windows 10, you will have to meet the minimum hardware requirements to run it successfully, and you cannot run it on just about any low-end system. Nevertheless, with Linux, you could even utilize one of your oldest computer systems to achieve a task.