How linux earn money?

Companies make money from Linux in a variety of inventive ways. They use proprietary software, commercial products, or a combination of services delivered as a customized business model.

With the rapid growth of the market along with the income from the hardware components, predictions were that Linux’s worth would exceed $35.7 billion back in 2008. However, a Fortune Business Insights report article has decreased this prediction and declared the worth closer to $3.89 billion in 2019.

How do free software developers make money?

Developers and open-source companies can also make money by providing their open-source software to the public. They can then ask for donations or “a cup of coffee” to help them continue their ongoing developments. This has become a popular way for free software developers to earn an income from their open-source projects.

Another way open source companies make their money is with add-ons. One of the most successful of these is Woo, and commerce. At the time it was acquired by Automattic in 2015, it powered over 25 percent of all ecommerce stores.

Does Linux have more publicity than we think?

Ultimately, Linux doesn’t have close to as much publicity as we might like to think. If we can get past that first barrier, the whole Linux community will see a spike in progress.

Linux world is fragmented. The main reason why Linux is not popular on the desktop is that it doesn’t have “the one” OS for the desktop as does Microsoft with its Windows and Apple with its mac, and os. If Linux had only one operating system, then the scenario would be totally different today.

This is more difficult to do with Linux because it is not a single company. GNU/Linux is free and accessible to anyone with a computer and internet access. Even if Ubuntu, for example, begins to run expensive campaigns to recruit more users, that will be only Ubuntu’s market share. Granted, it’s still GNU/Linux but they will have a long way to go.

Why do so many Windows users not use Linux?

So many Windows users do little or nothing about security. Those that do, have far fewer problems. They never seem to understand that doing nothing about security and practicing sketchy internet habits, are a recipe for – calling me. Ultimately, Linux doesn’t have close to as much publicity as we might like to think.