How to Check Ubuntu Version
First, select Activities in the top left corner. In the search bar, enter Settings and click on the icon once it appears in the results. In the System Settings window, click on the Details tab.
How do I find out what version of Ubuntu I have?
From the Terminal on the machine, or remotely connected over SSH, you can run the lsb_release command to check which version of Ubuntu is running . Using the -a switch will tell it to output all the version information for you., and lsb_release -a.
Your version appears on the “Description” line. If you just want that line, type lsb_release -d. If you want to check it through your desktop environment, you can check System Settings → Details, which shows the data like this: See a sample output of lsb_release, hostnamectl, and cat /etc/*ease calls:.
Moreover, what version of Ubuntu Am I running?
As you can see in the screenshot, our system is running Ubuntu 18.04. There are several command options we can choose for a Ubuntu version check. Some show the version directly and others give more Ubuntu description information. First, open your terminal (CTRL + ALT + T) and then proceed.
How do I check the version of Ubuntu in GUI?
You can see Ubuntu version graphically, i., and e., and using gui. Open System Settings by pressing the Super key on your keyboard and type “ settings “. Click on Details. You will see version below Ubuntu Logo: How do I check the version of Ubuntu I am running using GUI ?
While we were writing we ran into the query “How to check Ubuntu version from graphical interface?”.
Check Ubuntu Version from Graphical Interface 1 First, select Activities in the top left corner. 2 In the search bar, enter Settings and click on the icon once it appears in the results. 3 In the System Settings window, click on the Details tab.
How do I check if Ubuntu is using GNOME?
Gnome is the default desktop environment in Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver). Previous versions of Ubuntu used Unity as the default desktop environment. Follow the steps below to check your Ubuntu version if you are using Gnome: Open the system settings window by clicking on the Settings icon, as shown in the image below:.