, and you cannot. You can only facteime with someone who has facetime . Skype to Skype, last I checked, free. You should be able to use the Skype app to communicate with your friend. Other apps that work on both platforms include Tango and Qik.
No, you can’t., face Time and Skype are two different applications and are not compatible with each other.
Moreover, can You video chat on Skype and FaceTime?
You can instant message in Skype while you video chat in Face. Time, but as long as you’re using Face. Time you can’t use your microphone or webcam in Skype., face Time is technically a Vo. IP application like Skype, but does not offer the same features.
What is the difference between Skype&FaceTime on iPhone?
You can only use Face. Time with contacts that have the desktop application or an i. OS device running i. OS 4 or later. Skype, which was acquired by Microsoft in 2011, is a free Vo. IP application with paid extra features. Free features include instant messaging, video chatting, audio conferencing, screen sharing and file sharing.
Can you use FaceTime on Android phones?
, face Time is an exclusive program for i, phone, i Pad, and Mac users, so it can’t be used to call Android phones. Through the app, Apple users can make voice and video calls to fellow i. OS and mac, and os users. Alternatively, Skype is a web-based software solution for call and video conferencing.
Can You FaceTime in the middle of a phone call?
If you’re using an i. Phone, you can initiate a Face. Time video chat with someone in the middle of a phone call. You can only use Face. Time with contacts that have the desktop application or an i. OS device running i. OS 4 or later. Skype, which was acquired by Microsoft in 2011, is a free Vo. IP application with paid extra features.