How do I open ubuntu desktop?

Use the arrow key to scroll down the list and find Ubuntu desktop. Use the Space key to select it, press Tab to select OK at the bottom, then press Enter. The system will install the software and reboot, giving you a graphical login screen generated by your default display manager. In our case, it’s SLi, and m.

At the Ubuntu login page I have to hit Ctrl + Alt + F1 to be able to login as an user using the command line. But how do I get to the command line first and then start the Ubuntu desktop from it? Press Ctrl + Alt + F7 to return to the login screen.

Another thing we wondered was: how do I start the default desktop in Linux?

One idea is that once you’re in the terminal, run sudo systemctl start lightdm to start the default desktop. Show activity on this post. If using Unity, type unity. If using Unity 2D, type unity-2d-shell.

How to use a desktop GUI on Ubuntu in Windows 10?

Before you can use a desktop GUI on Ubuntu in Windows 10 you need to use the Compiz Config Setting Manager (ccsm) to set the display off properly. After all these programs are installed, run ccsm.

Could not open lock file ubuntu are you root?

The lock files are in three separate directories. To access the files, your terminal session must have root access. Root access on Ubuntu is gained with the sudo command. After gaining root access, CD into the first directory. Now that you’ve taken care of the first lock file, it’s time to deal with the second one.

Yet another inquiry we ran across in our research was “Could not get lock error in Ubuntu?”.

[Solution] Ubuntu could not Get Lock Error 1 Could not get lock error. The reason this error happens is that often times Ubuntu users will close a terminal that is installing something prematurely while it is running. Some additional items to think about are: 2 kill apt/apt-get, see more, or 3 delete lock files.

Remove the lock files at your own risk. To delete the lock files, use the rm command: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock Removing these files should fix the error.

The next thing we asked ourselves was how to fix could not get lock/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend error in Ubuntu?

1: Wait it Out or Reboot 2: Examine the Running Processes 3: Address the Stuck Apt Service 4: Delete Lock Files 5: Reconfigure dpkg Fix Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend Error Introduction In Ubuntu, you may sometimes encounter an error when attempting to run an aptcommand:.

How do I install Compiz on Ubuntu?

The first command installs the basic Ubuntu desktop programs. This will include end-user programs such as Libre. Office, The next instruction installs the Unity desktop. The final two commands install, Compiz, an Open. GL graphics composting manager and its front-end ccsm. Your next step will be to use ccsm to set up the desktop’s settings.